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The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Florence (UNIFI-DICeA) is the regional focal point in the study and management of natural risk in the built environmental, with largest active groups in the seismic and flood risks. DICeA also actively cooperates with the Earth Science Department of University of Florence on relevant international activities on the management of flood and landslide hazards, such as the newly established UNESCO chair on “Prevention and sustainable management of geo-hydrological hazards” and a proposal for an international master degree in “Geo-engineering” to start in 2016. Experts on landslide risk from the Earth Science Department will be part of the DICeA research unit. DICeA has been the coordinator of the 2015 World Engineering Education Forum that has been hosted in Florence, regarding “Engineering Education for a Resilient Society”.

last update: 12-Dec-2017
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