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Progetto MICHe


Materials and Structures division of DIDA is a long-term acknowledged, national excellence centre in the experimental investigation on traditional structures and eco-innovative strengthening technologies, DIDA runs an Official Laboratory for tests on materials and structures. From 1961, the Laboratory allowed experimental investigations through static and dynamic tests on traditional and innovative building materials, on structural components and model of structures (vaults, arches, domes, panels etc). A plurennial experience has been gained by DIDA team thanks to numerous projects aimed at structural assessment of monumental structures realized in traditional material (brick masonry, earthen masonry, mixed-technology masonries) in cooperation with the most important agencies, organisations and foundations involved in conservation of cultural heritage activities all around the world (UNESCO, World Monument Fund). In addition, the material and structure division of DIDA has a consolidate experience in multi-disciplinary surveying activities for the achievement of prefixed levels of investigation as stated by the most recent building codes, on ordinary, relevant and monumental buildings.

last update: 12-Dec-2017
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