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Progetto MICHe


MICHe focuses on relevant hazards to which cultural heritage site are exposed to develop environmentally friendly solutions and to supply specific management policies, trusting stakeholders’ involvement and experience. Such a view targets an ambitious improvement in the safeguarding of cultural heritage assets thanks to research and innovation activities. To this aim, a strong interdisciplinary consortium has been set up. In addition to the Academic Research Units of Florence (UNIFI-DIDA and UNIFI-DICeA), Bologna (UNIBO), Bari (POLIBA), Pisa (UNIPI) and Roma (UNIROMA1), stakeholders, as academic institutions, administrative authorities, and SMEs, will be involved in the project.

Stakeholders involved in the safeguarding and management of cultural heritage sites compose the advisory board of the project. Academic members of the advisory board will be University of Alicante (Spain), Cambridge University (UK), Columbia University (US), Ben Gurion University (Israel), RWTH Aachen (Germany), UIUC Urbana Champaign (Illinois), University of Minho (Portugal), Technical University of Hamburg (Germany), National Technical University of Athens (Grece). As for administrative authorities: Civil Ministry of Environment, Italian Space Agency, Civil Protection Department, Tuscany, Liguria and Abruzzi regional authorities, Arno river and Tiber river basin authorities, Protezione Civile di Roma Capitale (Civil Protection Department of Rome), Istituto Superiore Antincendi – Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco (National Fire Academy), Istituto Superiore per la Conservazione ed il Restauro (ISCR). As for SMEs: Fibrwrap Italia s.r.l., Innovations s.r.l., Litokol , Keracoll, StroNGER s.r.l

Stakeholders will support research units of the MICHe project within operational tasks to boost the technology readiness level of the proposed solutions.

last update: 12-Dec-2017
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